Maximize the impact of your scholarships

Automate the process of matching students with available funds to effectively forecast and utilize all resources and expand the influence of institutional funding on enrollment results.

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What we do

ScholarshipMagic is intuitive software that assists higher education institutions with managing scholarship awarding to increase student enrollment and maximize net tuition. Our goal is to help you utilize all your available funding, identify opportunities to enhance fundraising, and optimize your enrollment financial outcomes. Gain a competitive edge in your recruiting efforts with the confidence of knowing your projected financial results are based on clear, actionable data. Our solution is so simple to use, with integrated support and training, you will be up and running within hours

ScholarshipMagic provides the path to streamline your scholarship management processes, achieve your enrollment objectives and meet your financial goals.

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Areas of impact - Did you know?

ScholarshipMagic can impact the following areas...

  • 01 Offset your tuition discounts and raise net tuition

    By replacing previously awarded unfunded scholarships or tuition discounts with gifts, grants or other funded sources, you are maximizing the impact of these resources every term.

  • By providing a predictive model of how funded sources can offset discounts, you now can determine areas of opportunity to leverage underutilized funds maximizing your enrollment yields.

  • Insightful dashboards help you articulate to donors your stewardship of their gifts and provide information on how they could further contribute in support of underfunded areas aligned with their interests.


Experience the impact ScholarshipMagic can have on your institution

Institutions using ScholarshipMagic can achieve the following results.

Funding impact

Disburse one hundred percent of available institutional funding


Achieve enrollment growth by leveraging information to make improved decisions on how to award tuition discounts that won’t drive down net tuition


Drive revenue growth with improved enrollment results and net tuition increases

Useful information

Latest trends related to enrollment management, alumni relations and smart scholarship management.

2020 NACUBO Tuition Discounting Study

"No End In Sight" - Kenn Redd - Business Officer Magazine

Tuition Discounting: The Problem, not the Remedy

Essay by Frank H. Wu - Inside Higher ED

Ready to talk?

Let ScholarshipMagic jumpstart your use of institutional funds to increase enrollment, reduce the impact of tuition discounting, and engage your donor base.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How difficult is it to deploy ScholarshipMagic?

    ScholarshipMagic is quite simple to deploy and you will be up and running in a matter of hours. Once subscribed, log into your account and follow the step-by-step instructions that will walk you through the configuration process, loading your data and getting started with your scholarship matching process. There is no need for implementation services, data migration or complex setup.

  • Yes, if you wish to further enhance you experience with ScholarshipMagic, you can benefit from its full set of API’s that allow it to be integrated into your SIS, CRM, Advancement, or Financial Systems. This will simplify your data management and ensure your dashboards always reflect the most up to date information.

  • No, the solution has been designed with the user experience in mind to be intuitive, simple to use and with integrated help and guidance to enable you to use it unassisted from the first minute you log in.

  • Yes, full dashboard capabilities with specific reports for Finance, Financial Aid, Enrollment Management, and Institutional Advancement are built into the solution. You can view up to the minute information, model upcoming terms and drill down into the data to find areas of opportunity.

  • You can use ScholarshipMagic to disburse any type of fund that will be used to offset a tuition discount. If you have it, we can handle it.

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