Simple to use yet powerful functionality

We’ve developed intuitive software that assists higher education institutions with forecasting and managing scholarship awarding to increase student enrollment and maximize net tuition.

The process is simple. Our solution takes the information from the student’s profile and identifies those scholarships that closely match with their demographics, interests, and area of study.

If they don’t meet all the criteria of a particular funding source, ScholarshipMagic will identify which requirements could be modified to maximize the use of available funds.

Insights at your fingertips

Simply launch our executive dashboard at any time to view your remaining unfunded discounts, the current scholarship dollars matched and the balance of your funding sources.

Drill down further to determine which scholarships are being underutilized, so you don’t risk leaving money on the table.

With ScholarshipMagic you will minimize labor and maximize the efficient use of funding, no matter how complex the scholarship requirements.

As a result, you streamline your scholarship management processes, achieve enrollment objectives, and meet your institution’s financial goals.


Specific cross-functional features in one simple to use solution.